3.1988年赴美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校深造,于1991年获历史学硕士学位。专业为Late imperial and modern Chinese history.
4.1991年―1996年,师从黄宗智教授和白凯教授学习中国近现代社会经济史。1996年获历史学博士学位,博士论文题为Rural Political Change in Late Qing and Republican China, the North China Plain and the Yangzi Delta.
1.Peasants and Revolution in Rural China: Rural Political Change in the North China Plain and the Yangzi Delta, 1850-1949. London and New York: Routledge, 2007.
1.“Prometheus of the Revolution: Rural Teachers in Republican China,” Modern China: An International Quarterly of History and Social Science, November 2009, Vol. 35, pp. 536-603.
10.“Making Revolution in Jiangnan, Communists and the Yangzi Delta Countryside,” Modern China: An International Quarterly of History and Social Science, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 3-37, January 2003.
1.白凯:《中国的妇女与财产(960-1949)》(Women and Property in China, 960-1949, by Kathryn Bernhardt, Stanford University Press, 1999) (英译中),上海:上海书店,2003年。
2.孔飞力:《叫魂:1768年中国妖术大恐慌》(Soulstealers: the Chinese Sorcery Scare of 1786, by Philip Kuhn, Harvard University Press, 1990),与陈兼合译(英译中),上海三联出版社,1999年。
3.黄宗智:《民事审判与民间调解:清代的表达与实践》(Civil Justice in China: Representation and Practice in the Qing, by Philip Huang, Stanford University Press, 1996) 与李怀印合译(英译中),北京:中国社会科学出版社,1998年。