




  • 1996-2000 在华东师范大学历史学系学习,历史学学士

  • 2000-2006 在华东师范大学历史学系学习,硕博连读,历史学博士

  • 2006至今 在华东师范大学历史学系工作,任讲师(2006)、副教授(2008)、教授(2013)

  • 2004-2005、2012-2013 作为国家访问学者,分别在德国不来梅大学、奥格斯堡大学进修


  • 德国史、20世纪世界史、国际历史教育比较研究











































43、“The Conceptions of the Future in the Reconstruction of German Labor Union after WWII“‚ Ost-West-Review‚ 2009‚ No.1‚ Bonn‚ Germany。

44、The World War II in History Didactics of Chinese Middle Schools in Our New Century Characteristics and Reflections, in: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics, 2012.45、Populäre Geschichtsmagazine in China. Die Entwicklung am Beispiel des Magazins NATIONAL HISTORY,in: Susanne Popp/Jutta Schumann/Fabio Crivellari/Michael Wobring/Claudius Springkart (Hrsg.),Populäre Geschichtsmagazine in internationaler Perspektive. Interdisziplinäre Zugriffe und ausgewählte Fallbeispiele,Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2016, S. 537-552. 


1、国家社科基金青年项目:《德国魏玛时代(1918-1933)的社会政策研究》(2013- ,进行中)


3、上海市规划课题:《联邦德国工会联盟与政治变迁》(2013- 进行中)

4、上海市曙光项目:《20世纪90年代以来德国的公共历史争议:以纳粹历史争议位中心的考察》(2014- 进行中)





























Name: MENG,Zhongjie

Title: Professor 

Bio:1996-2000, studying at East China Normal University, BA

2000-2006, studying at East China Normal University, PhD

2006-Now, member of Faculty at Department of History, East China Normal University, as 

Lecturer(2006), Associate Professor(2008), Professor(2013)

2004-2005, 2012-2013, engaging in Advanced Studies as National Visiting Scholar, at University of Bremen and University of Augsburg 

Research field: German History; 20th Century World History; Comparative Study of International History Education



1)Modernity and Social Policy Reforms ―――The Social Policies in Germany,1890-1933 , contained Anhui History 2004, No.5, pp.10-15.

2) On the Origin and Significance of the Stinnes-Lekin Agreement between the Cooperation of Labor-Capital Interest Groups and the German Society around the End of World War I  World History 2006, No. 1, pp.92- 99; later reproduced in the pen to be on, the two hundred years: Mr. Wang Yang Chong hundred-year birthday , Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House, 2006, pp. 264-276.

3)On the Origin of German  (1920) , contained History Teaching and Research 2006, No.5, pp. 40-42.

4) On the Disappearing of Economic Democracy  (the first author), Journal of Wuhan University (Humanities Edition) 2007 No.2, pp.248-253.

5)The Establishment of ‘Economic Democracy’ in Germany: On Hugo Sinzheimer and 165th Articles of Weimar Constitution ,contained History Teaching and Research 2007, No.6, pp.

6) On the Rise and Fall of Weimar era Germany Enterprise Representatives Council System (1920-1933), contained Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy Society Edition) 2008, No. 3, pp. 55-60.

7)The early Practices of Welfare State in Weimar Republic,1918-1920, contained Anhui history 2008 No.5, page 5-11; later reproduced in the NPC copy of the World History 2008 No. 5, pp. 47-54.

8)“The Conceptions of the Future in the Reconstruction of German Labor Union after WWII“‚ Ost-West-Review‚ 2009‚ No.1‚ Bonn‚ Germany。

9)The Rebuilding of the Works Councils in Germany after World WarⅡ,1945-1952, contained in the World History 2009 No.4, pp.43-51, reproduced in the National People's Congress copy of the World History 2009 No.12, pp. 59-65.

10) On the Rise and Fall of the Collective Bargaining System in Weimar Republic , contained Journal of Wuhan University (Humanities Edition) 2009 No. 6, pp.677-681.

11)Reconstruction of Federal Trade Union in Germany after World War II and its Significance, contained Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy Society Edition) No. 6, 2009;later reproduced in the NPC copy of the  Trade Union Work 2010 No. 3.

12)On the Development of the Collective Bargaining in Germany (1949-1990), contained Anhui history 2010 No.6, pp.97-102.

13)The Housing Crisis and Policy in the History of Germany (1918-1924) ---A Concurrent Study on Validity and Limitation of a Controlled Housing Pattern, contained Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy Society Edition)2011, No. 2, pp. 133-138.

14) Collaboration between Classes and Rise &Fall of the Industrial Relations in Germany after the First World War,1918-1924, contained Fudan Journal (Social Science Edition) 2011, No. 3, pp.117-124.

15)On the Change of the Industrial Relations in the Weimar Germany: The Case of the Eight-hour Working Day contained World History, No. 4, pp. 48-58. 

16)Weimar Germany Unemployment Insurance System of the Rise and Decline - and Social Welfare System Development Limit, contained Journal of Wuhan University (Humanities Edition) 2012 No.6, pp.105-111.

17)On the Establishment of the Unemployment Insurance in Weimar Germany, contained Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy Society Edition) 2014, No. 2, pp. 72-82.

18) What is‘Reich’?――On the German Ideas of Empire from the Controversy around the Name of the Weimar Republic,contained History Teaching and Research 2017, No.3

19)‘Dispute of Historical Biography’ in Weimar Germany and its Historical Inspiration, contained Historical Research No. 3, 2017, pp. 162-179.

20)‘Unique Road’: Paradigm Shift and Reflection of Modern German Historical Research , contained History Teaching and Research 2009, No.4, pp. 56-59.

21)Reunification of Germany and the Eastward Expansion of ‘Social Partnership’ :1990 -1992, contained contained Journal of ZheJiang Normal University (Social Sciences)  2010 , No.5,pp.21-25.

22)The Cultivation of European Consciousness: Narrative of European Integration in German History Textbooks , contained History Teaching and Research 2011, No.6, pp. 114-118.

23)The Depth and Breadth of the Cultivation of Historical Thinking Quality: Experience from Germany, contained History Teaching(middle school edition),2011 No. 19, pp. 53-56.

24) ‘Historical Consciousness’ in the Teaching Practice of History in German Middle Schools contained Reference Teaching to Middle School History 2012 No. 3, pp. 43-44.

25)The Education of National Consciousness in German History Textbooks (1991-2000) ,contained National Consciousness in the View of Culture and Education edited by Yu Wei Min and Liu Chang, Shang Hai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House, 2012, pp. 417-458.

26)The World War II in History Didactics of Chinese Middle Schools in Our New Century Characteristics and Reflections, in: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics, 2012.

27)The Feasible Path of the Construction of Public History---From the Education Reform Model of German history, contained in Tianjin Social Sciences 2013, No. 3, pp.142-145.

28)How to cultivate a healthy sense of history - on the history book of Germany in the history of World War II narrative, World History No. 3, 2013, pp. 56-62; later reproduced in the Xinhua Digest No.18, 2013, pp. 64-67.

29) Causes, Process and Influences of Public Historical Controversies: Reflections from German Cases , contained in Jianghai Journal 2014, No. 2, pp. 157-164.

30)Public History in Germany contained History Teaching and Research 2014, No.3, pp. 52-55.

31)An ‘observer who got into the play’: German-American historian Fritz Stern, contained in the theory of historical research 2014 No.3, pp. 122-126.

32)The Concept of ‘Country’ in German History, contained Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy Society Edition) 2014, No. 4, pp. 25-27.

33)Reconstruction of Governance Structure in the Evolution of Countries―Revisiting the German‘Unique Path’ , contained Academic Pioneer 2014, No.5.pp.4-15. later reproduced in the NPC copy of the World History 2014 No. 8, pp. 61-68.

34)The Abuser ‘Victim Complex’ and the Solution -- Written on the Occasion of World War II Victory 79th Anniversary, contained Reference Teaching to Middle School History 2014 No. 7, pp. 8.

35)Commenting on the ‘Global View of Global History: A Theory and Methodology in a World of Contact’, Global History Review, 6th ed., 2014, pp. 374-381.

36)The Identity issue after the Reunification of Germany and the Dispute over the Nazi Holocaust‘1996 Goldhagen Debate’ , World History  No. 1, 2015, pp. 55-68.

37)Developments of German Historiography since the Beginning of the 21st Century: An Analysis on the Topics of Sections in Historikertag, contained in the International Journal of Historical Studies, the first series, Beijing: Social Science Literature Publishing House, January 2015, 202-212; after the revised published in the Study of Schools in Historiography, No. 2, pp. 87-93.

38)Public History Education and Germany's View of War Culpability: Investigation on the Exhibition of Crimes Committed by Armed Forces at the end of the 1990s, contained History Teaching and Research 2015, No.2, pp. 52-56.

39)A Study of the Public History Training Program of Chinese Universities――Compared With That of Free University of Berlin, contained  Journal of Liaoning University( Philosophy and Social Sciences)2015, No.4.pp.40-44.

40)On the Anniversary of the German Holocaust, contained in Jianghai Journal 2015 No.4, pp. 153-160; later reproduced in the Higher Education of Arts and Sciences 2015, No. 5, pp. 130-131.

41)Memory of the Second World War: Conflict, Presentation and its Significance, contained Reference Teaching to Middle School History 2015 No. 6, pp. 16-17.

42) Controversies over“Struggle to Come to Terms with the Past”in Public History Culture: One Focus in Recent Public History Study in Germany , contained Fudan Journal (Social Science Edition), No. 6, 2015, pp. 55-60.

43)National Museum and Global History Education, contained Reading, 2009, No.9, pp. 169-175.

44)Populäre Geschichtsmagazine in China. Die Entwicklung am Beispiel des Magazins NATIONAL HISTORY,in: Susanne Popp/Jutta Schumann/Fabio Crivellari/Michael Wobring/Claudius Springkart (Hrsg.),Populäre Geschichtsmagazine in internationaler Perspektive. Interdisziplinäre Zugriffe und ausgewählte Fallbeispiele,Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2016, S. 537-552.

45)Post-truth and Historiography , contained Exploration and Contention 2017 No. 4.

2、 Project

1)Youth project of National Social Science Fund:  A study of social policy in Weimar (1918-1933) , (2013-, in progress)

2)Youth project of National Social Science Fund: Research on the Evolution of German Labor Capital Harmonious Relationship in Twentieth Century: Centered on the Enterprise Representative Council System,(2007-2012,Project Closure)

3)Shanghai Planning Issues:the Trade Union and Political Change of the Federal Germany, (2013-, in progress)

4)Shanghai Shuguang Project: Public Historical Controversy in Germany since 1990s: An Investigation Centered on Nazi Historical Disputes, (2014-, in progress)

5)Shanghai Chenguang project: Labor policy in the Republic of Weimar,(2007-2011,Project Closure)

6)Shanghai Special Scientific Research Fund for Selecting Excellent Young Teachers in Universities: Social Partnership in the Federal Republic of Germany: History and Experience,(2007-2008,Project Closure) 


1)Monograph: Research on the Evolution of German Enterprise Representative Council System in twentieth Century, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.2016

2)Monograph: German History on the Map, (first author) Shanghai: Oriental Publishing Center.2014,2016

3)Monograph: Brief History of Germany, Beijing: Peking University Press.2012

4)Monograph: Looking for the Golden Section Point: a Study of the Social Partnership in the Federal Republic of Germany, Shanghai: Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House.2010

5)Monoaph: The History of German Enterprise Council Congress Law in 1920, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press.2008

6)Chief Editor (the first): Historical Education in the Process of Globalization: a Comparison of Narrative Features between Asian and European Textbooks, Shanghai: Shanghai Joint Publishing.2012

7)Chief Editor :The Reformation and Introspection Series of Defeated Countries in World War II ,Hefei: Huangshan Bookstore.2015

8)Translation(the second): German Genius, Beijing: The Commercial Press.2016

9)Translation: The Failure of Non Liberalism: on the Political Culture of Germany (English), Beijing: The Commercial Press.2015

10)Translation:Dictionary of Basic Concepts of Historical Science (German), Beijing: Peking University Press.2012

11)Translation: Cosmopolitanism and Nation State (German), Shanghai: Shanghai Joint Publishing.2007,2012 

4、Honor and Award

1)The German genius be selected into the National Library Wenjin book award(2017).

2)New Social Sciences Talent in Shanghai (2016).

3)Baogang Excellent Teacher Award (2015)

4)Fifteen Lectures on World Cultural History was selected as the top quality course in Shanghai (2015)

5)Brief History of Germany was selected as an Excellent Teaching Material Award in Shanghai (2015)

6)The most influential young scholars of Humanities and Social Sciences in China (2015)

7)Shen yin wan guo prize (2009)

8)Excellent Party Member of the East China Normal University (2009)

9)Shanghai Postgraduate Excellent Achievement Award (2007) 

5、Professional Affiliation

1)Member of the Academic Advisory Committee of the International Society For History Didactics(ISHD)2)Executive director and deputy secretary general of Chinese German History Research Society

3)Director and deputy secretary general of Shanghai World History SocietyDirector of the Second World War History Research Society of China.