Shen Zhihua

Shen Zhihua          

Title: lifelong Professor


       Shen Zhihua was born in 1950. He is based in the East China Normal University, holding positions of Distinguished Professor of the Department of History for Life, Dean of the Institute for Studies of China’s Neighboring Countries and Regions(ISCNCR), and Director of the Center for Cold War International History Studies(CCWIHS). He is also Guest Professor at Peking University, Senior Fellow of the Cold War International History Project of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and Senior Fellow of the Taihe Thinktank.

Research Interests

include the Cold War, history of the Soviet Union, Sino-Soviet relations, and Sino-Korean relations.

Books Authored

  • Zuihou de “Tianchao”:Mao Zedong,Jin Richeng he Zhong Chao Guanxi, 1945-1976 (The Last “Heavenly Dynasty”: Mao Zedong, Kim Il-sung and Sino-DPRK Relations, 1945-1976),2017, 2018 editions.

  • Chuzai Shizilukou de Xuanze: 1956-1957nian de Zhongguo (Choice at a crossroad: China in 1956 and 1957), 2013.

  • Wunai de Xuanze: Lengzhan yu Zhong Su Tongmeng de Mingyun (Reluctant choice: the Cold War and the destiny of the Sino-Soviet alliance), 2013.

  • Mao Zedong, Sidalin yu Chaoxian Zhanzheng (Mao Zedong, Stalin and the Korean War), 2007, 2013, and 2017 editions.

  • Sikao yu Xuanze: Cong Zhishi Fenzi Huiyi dao Fan Youpai Yundong (Deliberation and choices: from the Intellectual Conference to the Anti-Rightist Movement), 2008.

  • Sulian Zhuanjia zai Zhongguo (Soviet experts in China), 2003, 2009, and 2015 editions.

  • Sidalin yu Tietuo: Su Nan Chongtu de Qiyin jiqi Jieguo (Stalin and Tito: origins and consequences of the Soviet-Yugoslavian conflict), 2002.

  • Zhong Su Tongmeng de Jingji Beijing, 1948-1953 (Economic settings of the Sino-Soviet alliance, 1948-1953), 2000.

  • Xin Jingji Zhengce yu Sulian Nongye Shehuihua Daolu (New economic policy and the path of socialization of Soviet agriculture), 1994.

Collections of Essays Edited

  • Lenzhan Qishilu, 1945-1991: Mei Su Lengzhan Lishi Xilie Zhuanti Baogao (Lessons of the Cold War, 1945-1911: case studies of the history of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union), 2019.

  • Yige Daguo de Jueqi yu Bengkui: Sulian Zhuantishi Yanjiu,1917-1991 (The rise and fall of a great power: case studies in Soviet history, 1917-1991), 3 volumes,2009.

  • Zhong Su Guanxi Shigang, 1917-1991 (Outline history of the Sino-Soviet relations, 1917-1991),2007, 2011, and 2016 editions.

Collections of Archives Edited

  • Lengzhan yu Shehui Zhidu Zhuanxing: Dong’ou Geguo Lengzhan Shiqi Dang’an Wenxian Bianmu (Cold War and transformation of social systems: catalog of Cold War archives of East European states), 9 volumes, 2019.

  • Eluosi Jiemi Dang’an Xuanbian: Zhong Su Guanxi (Selection of declassified Russia archives: Sino-Soviet relations), 12 volumes, 2015.

  • Eguo Jiemi Dang’an: Xinjiang Wenti (Declassified Russian archives: Xinjiang), 2012.

  • Meiguo Dui Hua Qingbao Jiemi Dang’an, 1948-1976 (Declassified American intelligence archives about China), 8 volumes, 2009.

  • Sulian Lishi Dang'an Xuanbian (Collection of historical archives of the Soviet Union), 34 volumes, 2002.

Research Projects

  • 2005: National Social Sciences Foundation Project: “Cold War and the Sino-Soviet Alliance,”completed in 2009.

  • 2006: Ministry of Education’s Project for the Humanities and Social Sciences Bases: “History of Soviet Russia,”completed in 2008.

  • 2006: Ministry of Education’s Major Research Project in Philosophy and Social Sciences: “Study of Important Foreign Policy Decisions of the United States in the Cold War,”completed in 2009.

  • 2007: Shanghai Municipality’s Major Research Project in Philosophy and Social Sciences: “Organization and Study of Declassified American Intelligence Assessments of China,”completed in 2009.

  • 2008: Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences’ Commissioned Project: “Organization and Translation of Russian Archives on Xinjiang,”completed in 2009.

  • 2009: Shanghai Municipality’s Major Research Project in Philosophy and Social Sciences: “Organization and Study of Russian Archives on Sino-Soviet Relations,”completed in 2013.

  • 2009: Strategic Foundation of China’s Commissioned Project:“Historical Issues in Sino-Korean Relations,” completed in 2011.

  • 2011: Shanghai Municipality’s Specially Commissioned Project in Philosophy and Social Sciences: “Organization and Study of Archives and Documents of East European States: China’s Relations with East Europe,”completed in 2019.

  • 2012: National Social Sciences Foundation’s Major Project Competition: “Collection and Organization of East European States’ Archives of the Cold War Period,”completed in 2017.

  • 2015: National Social Sciences Foundation’s Specially Commissioned Project: “Collection and Study of Archives on China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries,”completed Series 1 and 2, and initiated Series 3 in 2019.

  • 2018: National Social Sciences Foundation’s Specially Commissioned Project: “Case Studies on the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union,”completed in 2018.